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Burning Out: Why it Happens and What to Do About It

5.00 out of 5
(2 customer reviews)

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Drawn from years of personal experience with effective home education, this workshop from Susan Wise Bauer helps you navigate homeschool burnout.

Product Overview


Susan Wise Bauer helps you navigate homeschool burnout.  Every home school family finds itself in the doldrums occasionally. But when the malaise continues for weeks or months, it’s time to consider the possibility of burnout. In this seminar – drawn from years of personal experience with effective home education and burnout – Susan defines burnout, investigates the elements that make burnout more likely, and offers a series of practical, experience-tested suggestions for moving forward.

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  1. One person found this helpful

    5 out of 5
    Best Seminar for a Homeschooling Mama


    I just listened to this seminar through our local home school charter, and I felt like it was a custom therapy session just for me! Even better because it was coming from another home schooling mama who totally gets it! It was informative, practical, and provided suggestions that could be implemented immediately. Susan Wise Bauer advocates for our mental and physical health as we work to serve our families. I recommend this seminar to all home schooling families, even those just starting out, but especially those who have been home schooling for a year or more!

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  2. One person found this helpful

    5 out of 5
    Yay, I'm normal!

    Helen Scott (verified owner)

    I knew I was burned out, but didn’t know what to do about it. Susan Wise Bauer gives practical, realistic advice on how to assess your life and priorities in this talk. The best thing to hear was that burning out is pretty common, and you can get out of it. You don’t have to give up on what you’re doing, and breaks are okay. I feel like I have so much more hope now!

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