Help for Homeschool Beginners
Beginning your home education journey can be exciting–and terrifying. Follow these four simple steps to find your feet.
First Step: The Foundations
What is homeschooling, and why should you consider it? Find out more about how to get started and comply with local regulations.
Second Step: Core Subjects
Learn more about the core subjects, and why you shouldn’t worry too much about your curriculum choices for your first year.
Third Step: Add the Rest
Once your core subjects are running smoothly, you can add in some typical electives or some not-so-typical fun extras!
Fourth Step: Investigate Further
What is classical education, and how does it differ from other approaches? Explore different methods and start figuring out what might work for your child.
Still need help? Ask the WTM community.
Thousands of parents and educators share tips and recommendations, encourage each other, and find support through our forums. You’re not on this journey alone. The Well-Trained Mind Forums Members are here to help.