In books involving tens of thousands of words, hundreds of unusual names, and thousands of facts, some typos and mistakes are bound to occur. And we at Well-Trained Mind Press, despite our attention to detail, are not exempt from this reality.
To meet our goal of producing top-quality resources, we hunt for errors and correct them wherever they are found. We also value our brilliant readers, whether parents, children, or schoolteachers, who help us by bringing questions and, yes, mistakes to our attention.
We have listed the corrections that we have already made since the original printings, as well as the ones will make in future printings. Your particular copy may already have been updated and therefore not contain noted errors.
Let us know!
If you have a question about any of these items, or if you have found a misprint or error that does not yet appear on this page, please send corrections to our Customer Service Team.
How to access the corrections:
- Look for the subject area you want to search–History and Geography, for example–and click on that link. The link will open a spreadsheet listing the known corrections for the specific titles.
- Scroll down on the spreadsheet until you find the name of the book in question. We have separated each title by a colored bar to make it easy to search.
- Look for the error in question. Errors are listed in page-number order.
- History and Geography – The Story of the World, The History of the ___ World, Who In the World biographies, and Famous Figures
- Writing, Reading, Grammar, and Reference – The Grammar Guidebook, The Diagramming Dictionary, Who Said What? First Language Lessons, Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind, Writing With Ease, Writing With Skill, The. Creative Writer, and The Ordinary Parent’s Guide to Teaching Reading.
- Math Facts that Stick, Math With Confidence
- Religion – Telling God’s Story
This area is always under construction.