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Writing With Skill Level 3, Student Workbook
$13.58 – $22.07
Learn how to write with clarity and confidence! The Workbook is written directly to the student to foster independence and gives essential training in organization, composition structure, and research methods. Instructor Text also required.
Product Overview
Building on the skills taught in Levels 1 and 2, the Level 3 workbook is written directly to the students to encourage them to take the initiative in developing their writing skills. It combines time-tested classical techniques with innovative contemporary insights to give every student the necessary tools to write with clarity and confidence, and provides essential training in organization, composition structure, and research methods. There is extensive practice in planning and carrying out independent projects, so that students are prepared for higher-level writing. Instructor text required, but all source material for assignments is included; no other books are needed.
Skills taught in Level 3 include four-level outlining; narration by significance; explanation by cause and effect in science and history; analysis and review; literary criticism; classical essay writing; and composing internet comments with both clarity and grace. (The last one isn’t true; some things are beyond our control).
Christine –
I couldn’t have picked a better resource for preparing my tenth-grader to enter private school in the fall. She had very little formal writing instruction at home and I was concerned. However, this program was so thorough and detailed, it was like having a seasoned composition teacher in the room with us. I feel confident that she will be prepared for a variety of writing assignments in any class she encounters, and I know she will continue to use the text as a resource next year. I look forward to using it with my other children. Thank you, Susan Wise Bauer, for taking the time to compose this series.
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Donna –
For homeschooling, how many high school credits is this worth and under what subject would you place it!
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R. W. Ward –
I loved this writing book!
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Yahaira Ramirez –
After completing Level 3 (8th grade) what books are recommend for 9-12 graders.
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Katherine –
I am considering using this for my 9th and 10th grade daughters next year. We have done IEW level B but this feels intuitive and encouraging to critical thinking skills. My questions are: How would you title this for a HS transcript? About how much time per day would you set aside for the lessons/writing practice? Is there any sentence structure/technical skill teaching within the lessons and, if not, what would you recommend to accommodate those skills?
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Answer Desk –
We do recommend that all students do the entire program in order without skipping any levels. This program builds on itself, and so it is most beneficial when done from start to finish. Please compare the topics and skills taught in previous programs to WWS, or, if you are unsure, send us a message at [email protected] and we will try to help you.
Plan on roughly 45 minutes a day. Of course, some lessons do have more writing than others, and some students read and write more slowly or more quickly than average. Adjust the pacing to suit your needs.
Sentence structure techniques are taught.
You can use the course title of Expository Writing, with the level after it: Expository Writing I, Expository Writing II, Expository Writing III.
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Bethann –
What would you recommend as a credit earned for high school student who does writing with skill level 3?
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Answer Desk –
It can be assigned a credit in composition, with a title such as Expository Writing III.
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Donna Vartanian –
Hi, My daughter is homeschooled and going onto grade 9 next year, She loves grammer, but has alwayed dreaded writing. I have yet to find a curriculum she likes. I am afraid to start her at the recommended high school level, fearing she will be intimidated or overwhelmed. Suggestions or recommendations with your program. Thanks.
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Answer Desk –
Donna, can you please send us an email at [email protected] for assistance with this? We are happy to help.
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