
Corrections for “Core Instructor Text” (Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind)

Below is a list of errors that have been found in the Core Instructor Text of Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind. As we correct the errors in subsequent printings/editions, we will note that they have been corrected.

If you discover an error that is not on this list, contact one of our editors to add it.

page 6, lesson 4, 2nd line of title should be “combinations” plural

page 8, about halfway down page, sentence reading: “You don’t need to read the abbreviations N and Ajd out loud!” The Ajd should be Adj

On page 116, “theirs” should be “their” in the first line that the student says, “My, your, her, his, its, our, their

On page 122, in the list of possessive pronouns/possessive adjectives in attributive position, the list is missing “our.”

Page 138, in the paragraph that begins “Now look at the diagram,” at the end of the third line, it should read “so you diagram it on the subject space,” not “so you diagram it on the sentence space.”

page 160, in the third-to last paragraph, the first sentence reads “Fast, faster, and fastest are all forms of the adjective fast.” The word “adjective” should be “adverb.”

On page 182, the text reads: “That leaves you with a very short independent clause: I know! Underline the subject once and the object twice.” “Object” should be changed to “predicate”

page 198, in the sentence that begins “But in all his days…” the phrase “quite like this one” is circled. The word quite, however, is not a preposition, so only the phrase “like this one” should be circled.

On page 206, in the sentence that begins “He was at the same time haughty…” (in the middle of the page and again at the bottom of the page), the word “inviting” should not be double underlined. It is a predicate adjective describing his manners, not a verb telling what his manners did (which is how it is—correctly—diagrammed on page 207).

At the top of page 214, it should say “would improve and would arrive” (not “could arrive”)

On page 306 and page 307 of the Purple workbook, the diagram frames for the students show a curved dotted line. In the instructor text, the dotted line is straight. The curved one is the correct one.

page 179, the word “kimchi” is missing from the diagram.

In lesson 52, in the list of possessive pronouns/possessive adjectives in attributive position, the list is missing “our.”

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