Getting Organized
Every meaningful human endeavor involves lots of paperwork–and home education is no different. Here, download printable PDF versions of the planning worksheets found in The Well-Trained Mind, find lists of state and local organizations that can help you register with your local school board and fulfill your own state’s regulations, and research state laws governing home schooling.

State Requirements for High School Graduation
(as referenced on page 16 of Rethinking School:

High School Transcript Forms
Which format should my child’s transcript take? Here are a few suggestions.

The Newest Edition of a Homeschool Classic
Susan Wise Bauer walks us through the differences between the 4th edition of The Well-Trained Mind and its previous versions. Text! Video! Bullet Points! Everything you need to navigate the extensively updated edition is right here.

High School Credit and Subject Planning Worksheet
Download and print out the worksheet linked below, taken from

Middle Grade Curriculum Planning Worksheet
Download and print out the worksheet linked below, taken from

Elementary Curriculum Planning Worksheet
Download and print out the worksheet linked below, taken from The

State Laws and Regulations
The nonprofit ProPublica offers a helpful summary of the laws

State Home School Groups
Check out these well-maintained indexes of state and local home school organizations.

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