There is no need for you to join an organization in order to home school. Some groups may use scare language to convince you to pay a fee and join, promising in return to protect your rates. Don’t fall for this: your rights are protected by your state laws. (Use a search engine and search on the string “homeschool home school regulations” and add your state’s name.) And if Social Services or a truant officer does show up at your door, you’re better off hiring a good local lawyer with that money.
However, many parents do find it useful to join a state organization where they can find support, information, and resources. There are several good lists of state organizations on the Web; some groups are religiously oriented, others are secular, and still others are inclusive. Here are some suggested search strings to use in your browser: secular (or religious) homeschool support group near me; (my state, city, neighborhood) homeschool support group; homeschool field trip ideas (or near me).
You may also find the following sites helpful:
Homeschool Organizations and Support Groups
State Homeschool Organization Directory
State Resources and Local Support Groups
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