Susan Wise Bauer
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Five Events That Began the Renaissance (or Ended the Middle Ages)
The Middle Ages (the favorite historical period of 9 out

Bias, Compromise, and Teaching History to Children
In the fall of 2005, history professor Larry Schweikart was

Five Logic-Stage Teaching Tips for History
Teaching logic-stage students history can be a challenge. You want

Maturity & The Real Child, Part II: Strategies for the Age-Grade Mismatch
If your child’s maturity level doesn’t happen to coincide with

Maturity & The Real Child, Part I: The Problem With Ages and Grades
On my Virginia farm, I raise livestock; lambs and kids

Fourth Edition: Resources Update
Below, you’ll find an updated list of resources recommended in

Why Do Six-Year-Olds Go to First Grade?
In contemporary education, “What grade are you in?” has become

What Is Twice Exceptional?
Twice exceptional students need to be challenged intellectually, but also require careful remediation and assistance in the areas where they struggle.

High School Credit and Subject Planning Worksheet
Download and print out the worksheet linked below, taken from

Middle Grade Curriculum Planning Worksheet
Download and print out the worksheet linked below, taken from