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Third Grade Math with Confidence Student Workbook Part B

4.00 out of 5
(1 customer review)


Learn third grade math with confidence! Use Workbooks Part A and Part B to teach and reinforce the lessons in the Third Grade Math with Confidence Instructor Guide.

Product Overview

These colorful, whimsical pages support you in your teaching and give your child written practice with new concepts and review of previously-learned skills.

  • Lesson activity pages include visual aids, real-world examples, and game boards to simplify your teaching
  • Practice pages provide written practice with new skills
  • Review pages ensure students retain what what they’ve learned and master essential skills
  • Unit Wrap-Ups at the end of each unit provide review and assessment

You’ll use Workbook Part A for Units 1-8, and Workbook Part B for Units 9-16. Together with the Instructor Guide, these books provide a full year of thorough and engaging math instruction.

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4 out of 5 stars

1 review

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One review with a 4-star rating

  1. 4 out of 5
    Love the curriculum, wish the student workbooks were spiral bound


    The curriculum is great, but the student workbooks are difficult for our children to write in. A spiral-bound option would be wonderful!

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